Tips to Survive a Stressful Holiday

Tips to Survive a Stressful Holiday

The Holidays are here and it’s time for some comfort and celebration on the heels of a very challenging year. While each of us prefers different amounts of festivity and relaxation, we can all agree that a bit of both is ideal. If you and your loved ones disagree on how best to strike this balance, consider using a few of the following ideas from a family therapist:

  • Be Proactive: Rather than trying to problem solve when you’re experiencing big emotions, consider waiting until your brain and body feels calm. This one change, changes everything.

  • Get Curious: We are all pretty good at expressing our own perspective, but listening can be harder. Try shifting into their perspective, asking more questions and seeking to understand.

  • Validate Concerns: Even if you whole-heartedly disagree, consider what the other person may be thinking and feeling, responding by finding the truth in their experience. When someone feels seen and heard, conflicts often soften.

  • Share Values: Get clear about your priorities, expressing what matters most to you, affirming common values and mutual respect.

  • Collaborate on Solutions: Get creative compromising toward workable options that take both of your perspectives into account, arriving at a mutually agreeable plan together.

  • Track Progress: Monitor how it’s going, celebrating successes, learning from mishaps and making adjustments as needed along the way.

The year has been tough, but the Holidays can bring some much needed comfort and joy. Wishing you and your loved ones a balance, both now and in the new year. We’ll get through this, but we don’t have to do it alone. If you or someone you know might benefit from family counseling, please reach out. I offer free phone consultations and Telehealth options.


Amy Guido, LCSW

Child & Adult Counseling


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