Staying Organized This Holiday Season

Staying Organized This Holiday Season

The holidays can be stressful, our tips will help you relax and enjoy the holidays. Here are 10 Tips to enjoy the Holidays and stay organized, from the professional organizers at Dependable Divas:

  1. On your phone start a note titled Holidays. During the year while you are out and about, as you see a gift idea, grab your phone and jot it down before you forget, or take a picture.

  2. Bake cookies and other yummy treats early in the season and freeze them. That way you can grab and go when you need a hostess gift or unexpected company stops by.

  3. When you get out your holiday decorations, donate anything you no longer use or love.

  4. Once you’ve finished decorating, take a picture so you can recreate it for next year.

  5. Make a plan and don't over-schedule. Ask your kids what events and tradition are their favorites. You might be surprised!

  6. Create a gift wrap station in a specific area. Keep the wrapping paper, tape, scissors and labels all together. Wrap the presents as you buy them.

  7. Clean out  your kids’ toys. Ask your kids what toys they longer use and explain that you will donate them to a charity. It’s a great time to help people who are not so fortunate and make room for the new presents.

  8. Divide and concur! Share duties with  family members. Have one person in charge of breakfast and another one dinner.

  9. Create a holiday binder and divide into sections: Favorite holiday recipes, Gifts/Budget, Holiday card contact list, Party planning (ideas torn from magazines). Pinterest has some divider pintables’, already designed for you.

  10. When the holidays are over, it's okay to recycle the cards you received. Take a picture with your phone and use it as the sender’s contact. Every time your phone rings throughout the year you will see their picture.

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